Subject: Re-employment offer at [X]
Dear Smith,
Being CEO of Nishat international, I am pleased to offer you the position of chief financial officer in this company. Since you have already served this company for more than 30 years, it is my pleasure to see you back in the company. In case you accept this offer letter, you are directed to report to Mr. Garry, Head of HR department within 15 days of issuance of this letter. With this offer letter, you are being allowed to take the following benefits:
- Your salary package will be $300,000 per annum including your basic salary as $180,000 plus an annual increment limited to 20 percent of your basic salary. Note that this increment will be subjected to satisfactory performance of yourself and your team.
- You will also be entitled to use the company car for your own use in addition to the company’s matters. In lieu of fuel, an amount equivalent to $1000 per month will be added to your salary.
- Since you are expected chief financial officer, your job responsibilities will be to look after all matters pertaining to be financial in nature. However, your job responsibilities may change as and when required, as desired by CEO and stakeholders.
- You will be entitled to purchase 100,000 shares of this company. In addition, you can also be considered for future grants and the company may also entitle you to purchase stock options, and later, you can also convert your option to restricted stock.
The company’s board of directors will evaluate your performance every year. Your contract will be renewed every year on recommendations from the board of directors. However, it must be noted that this contract is pure temporary in nature and may be terminated at any stage of your re-employment.
I hope you have read all the terms and conditions of this contract letter. If you want to join us again, we will say you a warm welcome and advise you to join as soon as possible. You may contact the company’s head office if you have any further queries in this regard.
Michael Johnson

Subject: Re-employment offer for [X]
Dear Smith,
In response to your application which you forwarded to the company’s head office on [date] and in which you requested for re-employment, the management of [ABC] company is pleased to inform you that your application for re-employment has been accepted and now you are being issued this offer letter. You are being offered the position of Deputy Director of this company and you are entitled to the following perks and privileges:
- You are being offered a competitive market-based salary which includes an annual salary equivalent to $100,000 including $50,000 as your basic salary with an annual increment equivalent to 20 percent of your basic salary, subjected to satisfactory performance.
- You will be entitled to avail of 20 paid leaves per annum. In case of additional leaves, salary may be deducted subjected to the nature of the matter.
- You are entitled to avail the facility of a company car for official as well as personal use in addition to single furnished accommodation.
In case you sign this agreement and send the same to the HR department, you will acknowledge that you are bound to abide by all rules and regulations of the company which may change from time to time and you must show your compliance with all the disciplinary and regulatory policies of the company.
The nature of your employment will be “at-will” with the company’s higher management. It does mean that upon bad performance, your contract may be terminated at any stage of your employment. This termination will however be accompanied by a suitable reason.
In addition to your duties, you are bound to perform any other duties as assigned by the competent authorities. You cannot neglect their orders in this regard. By signing this contract, you acknowledge that your job duties are not fixed in nature but are subjected to change at the will of competent authorities.
If you are agreeing to abide by all the terms and conditions of this offer letter, the company says you a sincere welcome and you are directed to join the company as soon as possible but not later than [date]. Since you have already served this company in the same position, it is therefore expected that you will play your part and contribute towards achieving our company’s goals. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Angela Parker